What is the OET?
The Occupational English Test (OET) is a language test for overseas qualified medical and health professionals whose first language is not English. The Test measures the language competency of health professionals who are seeking registration and the ability to practise in an English-speaking context
- Currently, it assesses English language competency as it is used in the following professions in Australia: Dentistry
- Pharmacy
- Dietetics
- Podiatry
- Medicine
- Physiotherapy
- Nursing
- Radiography
- Occupational
- Therapy Speech
- Pathology Optometry and
- Veterinary Science
The test is conducted seven times a year in over 40 locations throughout the world, including Mumbai, Delhi, Bangalore and Chennai in India. In 2009, the test will be conducted in January, March, May, June, August, October and November.
The OET is made up of four sub-tests: Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking.
You receive results for the four sub-tests that make up the OET as one of five grades – A to E. A is the highest grade, E is the lowest.
There are descriptions for each grade on the printed Statement of Results you receive:
- Very high level of performance
- High level of performance; i.e., able to use English with fluency and accuracy adequate for professional needs
- Good level of performance; however, not acceptable to a range of health and medical councils
- Moderate level of performance: requires improvement
- Low level of performance: requires considerable improvement
There is no overall grade; you receive a separate grade for each sub-test you take.
The written papers are normally scheduled in the morning starting at 9.00am. The Listening, Reading and Writing sub-tests are completed by 1.00pm. The individual Speaking interviews are timetabled for the afternoon, from around 1.00pm until 6.00pm. You must be available for the whole of this period; the exact time of your interview is sent to you with the detailed venue information.
Test fee for OET is Aus. $ 775
For an additional score report, the fee is Aus. $ 35.
How to register for OET?
When you fill in the online application, it is necessary to enter all information accurately.
- Your current national ID card or passport number will be used for identification purposes at the test. If the identification you bring on the day of the test does not exactly match your online record or if it is no longer current, you will not be allowed to sit. If you are sitting the test in Australia, you MUST provide your current, valid passport as identification – no other type of photo ID will be accepted.
- The address in our database will appear on your Statement of Results exactly as you enter it, and is where your results will be sent. If it is not correct, you may not get your Statement of Results. If you need another copy of your results, a fee will be charged.
NOTE: It is your responsibility to check your online profile for accuracy and to advise OET administrators when changes need to be made to your ID details. OET administrators cannot make ID changes within three weeks of a test date for which you have applied.
If for any reason you need to give your ID document to the authorities, be sure to make a certified copy of it (high quality, in colour) before handing it over. Contact the OET administrators no less than three weeks before a test date if it will not be returned to you in time for the ID check on the day of your test.
When you fill in the online application, it is necessary to enter all information accurately.
- Your current national ID card or passport number will be used for identification purposes at the test. If the identification you bring on the day of the test does not exactly match your online record or if it is no longer current, you will not be allowed to sit. If you are sitting the test in Australia, you MUST provide your current, valid passport as identification – no other type of photo ID will be accepted.
- The address in our database will appear on your Statement of Results exactly as you enter it, and is where your results will be sent. If it is not correct, you may not get your Statement of Results. If you need another copy of your results, a fee will be charged.
NOTE: It is your responsibility to check your online profile for accuracy and to advise OET administrators when changes need to be made to your ID details. OET administrators cannot make ID changes within three weeks of a test date for which you have applied.
If for any reason you need to give your ID document to the authorities, be sure to make a certified copy of it (high quality, in colour) before handing it over. Contact the OET administrators no less than three weeks before a test date if it will not be returned to you in time for the ID check on the day of your test.
To apply for the test, one has to apply (and make payment online) at the following link:Click Here
For more information on OET, please visit: Official website at Click Here